With her partner in tow, a new sailor sees BC's Desolation Sound with fresh eyes ....
A tiny lake just an hour’s drive from Toronto made headlines earlier this summer as the best place in the world to illustrate the dawn of a new geological epoch – the Anthropocene.
Nutritional psychiatry is showing how diet affects inflammation, a key driver in brain metabolism ....
A few high-profile cases involving faculty members who may have falsely presented themselves as Indigenous are calling into question the practice of self-identification....
ON A CALM MORNING in late summer 2019, Jim Bailey was kayaking on Lake Superior near Thunder Bay, Ontario, when he found himself paddling through thick green scum, the likes of which he’d never seen in those waters. Puzzled, he headed into the open bay where he could see green patches stretching out about 3 kilometers....
Tropical architecture and building strategies can help more cities feeling the heat ...